Habe Ich lipödem? Oder nur dicke beine?
Ich bin 1,55 und ca 50kg schwer. Shirt Größe xs- s und hose 38-40. aber mir ist jede hose oben zu weit
ich hab druckschmerz in den beinen bzw wenn meine katze über die beine läuft tuts weh.
was glaubt ihr
hab ich eher lipödem oder?
I don’t know what people are talking about, I have Lipödem Stadium 1 and it looks the same! Very important: go to a specialist and see that you don’t take anything. The lipoedema gets worse and you can’t get rid of it again, except with operations.
Neither. It’s all normal.
I don’t really see dents in your legs now, but you have X legs (by weight probably)
Just go to a doctor and, depending on the bit more move or change diet. A leg misalignment or foot misalignment should be corrected
I am 155 and weigh 50kg
Muscles weigh more than fat. Maybe strength training wouldn’t hurt
You don’t have thick legs. They look normal to me. (And also very beautiful.)
You’re generally quite sleepy thighs. To diagnose lipoedema here would be disgusting, but depending on the age it looks different.
Tip: Turning diet, exercising legs & Po gives you the perfect potential to shape.
A tip by the way – go to the sun ^^
Brings very little with Hauttpy l and ll. My dad gets red after 15 minutes and my tan gets dirty
I’m not an expert, but I have a lipoedem. It seems to me to be fat tissue with you. Did you raise your leg or thigh while standing? If the fatty tissue is, then you will see that it goes away – if not, then you have a lipoedem.
what has a painful disease for perhaps more profitable to do with a tight underpants???
(and if that was a fake question, then that would be the reason why I would never respond to these figurative questions at your point, because these people use your things only against you)