Habe ich heute zu viel gegessen oder soll ich noch was essen?
Heute morgen hatte ich 2 Scheiben Brot mit Belag und ein Ei, einen Kaffee und ne Tasse Kakao.
Heute Mittag hatte ich ne Portion von so ner Reispfanne mit Erbsen und Hähnchen. Aber sehr fettig gebraten mit Butter und Öl, aber ich habe die Portion nicht aufgegessen. Dann noch einen Apfel und noch ne Tasse Kakao (Ovomaltine Leite was soll ich euch sagen ich liebe es)
Even if the weather isn’t animating what to eat, I’d say you’re doing nothing wrong with a little evening bread.
My tip in the weather would be to eat more but smaller portions and then simply to dispense with fat and stuffing more often, prefer to use lightly, which is well-contained.
Also enjoy more drinking, in the form of shakes, etc.
Of a portion of rice pan that you have not even eaten, you will not get tired, your body needs energy, just in the weather it is even more important that you feed both sufficient liquid and energy in the form of calories.
What you can do is to eat warm in the evening and at noon just a lighter salad with turkey strips, couscous, gives enough recipes.
Yes, but I have to lose weight. I’ve already got 27 kilos down by calories.
Why do you have to take off? This is not the case, so whether it is necessary or whether it is considered necessary. If you should have written to it, then the thought of worrying would not have come to eating disorder.
That’s too little. Everyone who says it is normal is either a child or has a eating disorder
So can I eat something today?
Of course you can, especially when you’re hungry!
Now dinner and it would be normal
I had nothing to eat before today
Two to three fillets with liver sausage plus two mirror eggs with bacon still need. Start with it.
I am a woman
You should have dinner with you.
who wants to get fat and fat must eat more.