Habe ich heute ( 28.6. ) zu viel gegessen?
Ich kann es leider überhaupt nicht einschätzen.
Heute morgen bin ich aufgewacht und hatte Übelkeit und Durchfall. Ich habe dann „Durchfalltee“ von Sidroga ( ohne Zucker ) getrunken und eine Banane gegessen.
Mittags habe ich zwei Brötchen mit dünn Lätta und jeweils einer Scheibe Käse drauf und eine halbe Gurke gegessen. Getrunken habe ich Mineralwasser.
Eben habe ich zwei Spritzkuchen gegessen. Getrunken habe ich wieder Mineralwasser und einen Kamillentee ohne Zucker.
Ich empfinde es als ziemlich viel, da ich normalerweise weniger esse.
Mich wundert mein heutiger Appetit.
This is under-calorie, you can eat more quietly, otherwise your basic turnover slips too far.
Beverages and foods with sweeteners, promote sugar substitute diarrhea, as you need to take care of a little.
If you’re hungry, you’re fed up, you can slow down.
All right for you.
Thank you
Thanks for the ⭐ I am very happy, all the best for you.
That’s quite a bit
You think that’s ironic?
Much? Ask me how your body can hold through. You certainly lack some energy.
I weighed 179.9 kg and now about 115 to 120 kg. I really don’t have a look at what’s much and what’s little………🤔
It is not important that you eat less, but what you eat 😀
You ate very little today. This indicates eating disorder.
Thank you, but I’ve been taking Ozempic for 18 months. I weighed 179.9 kg and a life-threatening high blood sugar level. That’s why the doctor prescribed Ozenpic. Ozenpic lowers blood sugar levels somewhat, but not as strong as an insulin syringe and not as fast. Ozenpic is mainly concerned with feeling hungry. One has less hunger, as a result it may be seen from time to time that this cures diabetes. However, I would have to feed more healthily. I know that too.
I wish you a lot of success. âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ â
We’d have the appetizer now. I am looking forward to the large portion of the main dish.
Oh, manno. I was just eating on two splashes and laughing at me 😢
Don’t take so seriously, something was exaggerated
😉ðŸ ̃‰ðŸ ̃‰ ðŸ ̃‰
If you usually eat less than that, it surprises me that you could get up early this morning.
You know you’re hard-skinned.
Your body begins with the decay.
A person who weighs 115 kg to 120 kg is usually not magical. I weighed 179.9 kg 18 months ago. Since I take Ozempic, I usually have very, very little appetite. My today’s appetite surprises me
Yet, a man who weighs as much as is as magical as one who weighs only 30kg. Magersucht has nothing to do with the weight.
If you have such a greatly reduced appetite due to Ozempic, your doctor would have to obey, because with the little food, you’re pretty sure you’re going to die pretty soon.
I thought
Appetite deficiency is not a side effect of Ozempic, but one of the effects. My doctor praised me for weight loss. You think about the knowledge of doctors – I laugh!
How to tell so much nonsense in such a few sentences❓🤦🏻 ♀️🤦🏻 ♀️ ♀️