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No, you have a very beautiful eye color, but no central Irisheterochromia. This can also affect only one eye.
Your marbles are gray and are covered by amber-coloured and golden, honey-coloured inclusions and have an impressive colour play.
Your iris is surrounded by a prominent anthracite-colored Limbus ring that intensifies the eye color again.
In certain light conditions, your iris can seem greenish.
The dark eyelashes form a beautiful contrast.
Good for you.
Your question can only be answered if both eyes are visible.
Jein, but you have beautiful eyes. :
Only 2% of the world’s population have green eyes.
Since you’ve only made a picture of one eye, I guess if you wanted to ask if you have central heterochromia, then the answer is no.
Whether you have heterochromia, we can’t judge because you only have a picture from one eye, the answer could be yes or no.
This affects both eyes, not just one.