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2 years ago

What you’re writing sounds like a muscle cat, a strong scratch or both of you, it’s more likely.

Muscle cats are always the smallest injuries that bleed into the tissue and cause an inflammatory reaction.

When the calf reacts so strongly, it is sometimes not far to an Achilles tendon.

Could it be that you have long shortened calf muscles?

It is now important to rest and relax.

A warm bath might help you or even alcohol or quark wrap.

You should just move moderately.

Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller such as ibuprofen and at least 2 hours a good magnesium.

Drink a lot, but no alcohol!

If it doesn’t get much better in a few days, it makes sense to visit a doctor.

At best, you should get physio and clarify whether and how much the calf muscle is shortened.

Also useful, clarify whether your running shoes fit your feet and running style.

In the future, please start running training slowly!

Good improvement!

2 years ago
Reply to  keinname193

Most people have rather shortened calf muscles.

Your problem is that you have thoroughly overwhelmed your muscles. It is now clearly drawing together for protection.

But it is always worthwhile to learn how to stretch the calf muscle gently but correctly.
Regular check whether it has not shortened is always worthwhile.

Googe once after Wadendehner or knee savior.

I also find stretching with theraband very good.

Now you let it heal well and do sport once the pain is gone.

Good improvement!

2 years ago

If you’re not really used to it, everything speaks for muscle cats. After three days, the pain should go back and disappear after a week.

If you can overcome yourself, easy training is allowed.

Only if the pain does not pass within a week should you become orthopedic.

In the case of a muscle-fiber crack, the pain suddenly sets after a wrong movement; a muscle-catcher, on the other hand, comes slower and is only noticed correctly in a resting phase.

Good performance for an unfamiliar.