habe ich einen Cannabis Entzug?

Was geht leute also ich habe jz seit ca nem monat so gut wie jeden tag gesmoked. Manchmal hab ich auch 1-2 tage pause gemacht aber nur so 2-3 mal. Heute hab ich gar nichts gesmoked und bin irgendwie sehr genervt und gestresst ohne einen wirklichen Grund. Ist das ein Cannabis Entzug oder was anderes?

Danke für die Antworten

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Genervt and stressed can be at any age. During puberty, puberty and associated hormonal confusion are considered as a possible reason.

But take a break. The less and the less you consume, the better for your health. Ideally, the break goes up to the full year. Until then, the stuff may even be legal so you don’t have to criminalize yourself anymore.

You can find many general information about the usual effects and side effects as well as the known risks associated with consumption here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

2 years ago

No, that’s a classic withdrawal

2 years ago

When you get off the train in life, it’s always exhausting.