Do I have a foreskin tightening?

I'm 16 years old and can retract my foreskin normally, unless I have an erection. Then I can only retract the foreskin partially, and no matter what I do, it just doesn't fit over the glans anymore. Is this normal, or do I have a problem?

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3 months ago

Yeah, at least a slight constriction. This can be treated (salve, elongation). Talk to your pediatrician or family doctor.

3 months ago

It sounds like a slight pre-skin constriction that only makes you trouble when the penis becomes stiff and thick during sexual excitement and then no longer fits over the acorn. This can be unpleasant or disturbing in self-satisfaction. In rare cases, however, it can also become dangerous if the foreskin no longer moves back to the front via the acorn and the blood supply of the acorn is constricted and the clamped tissue can die.

With my cousin, a stretch with a cream has helped very quickly and well. So you better make an appointment with a doctor or a doctor.

3 months ago

Of course, that’s not normal. You have either a pre-skin constriction or a too short Frenulum or both. Make an appointment with a urologist.

3 months ago

Sounds like a precut.
I know this is not easy, but please go to the doctor and let you treat.

3 months ago

You can gently stretch your foreskin in warm water or with a cortisone ointment. But slowly and cautiously so no cracks are created that can scare. Scars can be stretched badly. This is a long process but it is worth it. Cutting is the dumbest thing you can do you have only disadvantages. M

3 months ago

Sounds like a slight narrowing that can be stretched.

3 months ago

You have a problem. Sounds like a light pimosis. Just go to your family doctor.

3 months ago

Yes That’s called phimosis