Habe ich eine Psychose oder sowas ähnliches?

Ich vorher auch eins zweimal cannabis geraucht und hatte auch einen krassen bad trip und habe vor drei Wochen HHC (vape)geraucht und danach fühlten sich ca.5 tage leicht unrealistisch an.Danach war es dann führ 2 wochen weg und jetzt habe ich schon seit einer woche , dass sich alles unreal anfühlt und ich habe eine leichte andere Wahrnehmung von Dingen, aber es wird auch wieder bisschen besser.Wenn ich sport mache ist dieses Gefühl komplett weg. Wie lange dauert das noch?Bin 15.Soll ich zum Arzt?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Of repercussions as you describe them here, minors who have exaggerated it with cannabis regularly report here. Since HHC is quite similar, you can probably compare it. I don’t know what’s going on in the body. Possibly, it has to do with the puberty hormone mess. At this age it can be normal to feel abnormal even without fed drugs. Within a certain framework, of course.

What can possibly help is regular and sufficient sleep, sufficient fluid supply, balanced nutrition and sports. No more to consume is definitely the right decision. You should also miss out on all drugs. Give the brain a break.

Should this state not be to be held or you have further doubts, you should talk to a doctor about it. Thanks to the obligation to silence, you can also report on your own substance use.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

Good luck!

1 year ago

I would recommend stopping the use of psychoactive noise drugs in the future, because your reaction is not unusual. I myself have therefore abandoned the cannabis consumption decades ago, because I only had paranoid horror trips and was happy with it. I also can’t drink coffee and even have to take care of chocolate, I’m very sensitive to neurology. You’re counting on the people who react to a sensitive way, that’s not a rarity and just individual.

How to deal with flashbacks and what it is, unfortunately, I cannot say that I have zero knowledge or experience. The biochemistry of the body is extremely complex and, in its entirety, is not yet decrypted. It should also be gradually excreted on non-body substances after degradation. Drink Melissentee, which works with me true miracles, which has a particularly soothing, positive effect on the nerves and possibly also on perception. You can’t hurt yourself with that.

1 year ago

How long it takes until it’s gone you can’t answer that.

HHC is something that has been manufactured in the laboratory so complete garbage, would not smoke HHC anymore at your place, then the feeling will also go away.

I don’t think that you have a psychosis, but I think a psychosis has more to do with psychics and something, maybe a derelization.