Do I have an eating disorder?
Hello, I've been having extreme binge eating every day for about two weeks now. I'm literally stuffing everything into my mouth. Before the binge eating, I was very careful about my calories and lost 5 kg. Three weeks ago, I joined the gym, and for about two weeks now, I've been having extreme binge eating episodes that sometimes last all day. Now I'm afraid I'll gain as much weight again. Do you have any tips on how I can stop?
It would be best to seek sufficient and balanced diet. Every day. No diets with jojo effect and also no fress attacks.
How old, how big are you? M or W?
I am 18 years old, female, 165cm and weigh 58kg
Okay, thanks.
What exactly do you think you’re looking for calories? About what time did you eat calories on average per day?
What is your target weight?
Did you keep taking 1,600 kcals a day despite the additional sport?
No, the escorts started with the sport. I would like to come to 55kg
That’s good. Have you additionally made sports to the 1,600 kcal a day?
What weight do you want?
I have about every day. 1600kcal eaten, now I eat almost 3000-4000 😖