Habe ich eine chronische Sehnenscheidenentzündung am Fuss?
Mir tut seit zwei Monaten wegen einer Sehnenscheidenentzündung, mein rechter Fuß am Gewölbe und der große Zeh weh. Ich habe zwar morgen einen Termin beim Doc aber trotzdem wollte ich euch Fragen ob ich eine chronische Entzündungen habe. Habt ihr Erfahrung damit?
Ich mache mir Sorgen, dass ich mein Leben lang eingeschränkt bin und auch dass ich meine Arbeit nicht mehr ausüben kann. Ich entwickle deswegen schon Angststörungen.
I’d rather tap a nap than cause. But after that you will be smarter.
Thank you very much for your answer.
I was at Orthopaedic today. The conversation and examination with X-ray did not last 10 minutes. He said that I have an inflammation on the arch of the foot and that can radiate up to my toe. To my question whether the inflammations can become chronic, as I have been carrying this out with me for two months now, he said that the inflammation is cured and otherwise there is a shock wave therapy where recovery can accelerate.
I also asked how to go on with my work, as I run a lot every day, he said that movement is good. He then prescribed ibu600 and physiotherapy. Two brochures about shockwave therapy and exercises for home to strengthen the foot muscles he also pushed my hand.
Somehow I don’t trust the whole thing, but I’d like it because he’s a specialist and should have some idea. I can’t imagine inflammation from x-ray images, as you can see fewer ligaments or tendons. I would’ve believed him in an MRI. That I’m very much on my way into safety shoes and meant that movement is good, that I’m wrong…
Should I have been thinking? What’s your opinion?
I’d get a second opinion.