Habe ich eine blitvergiftung?

habe heute vor dem duschen gehen einen dicken roten pickel mit eiter drüber ausgedrückt. Habe das ganze Blut mit raus gedrückt. Es kam schon etwas blut raus. Habe die Wunde danach auch 20 min trocknen lassen. Kann es sein das ich eine Blitvergiftung habe ? Das. ganze ist jz 6 Stunden her. Habe eigentlich keine symptome aber meine beine und bauch zittern. Ich weiß nicht ob es wegen angst ist aber wenn ich meine hand still halte zittert sie nicht. Zittert man bei einer blutvergiftung ?

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2 years ago

There was a question like this before… By the way, no, you still don’t have one and you won’t get blood poisoning anymore.

2 years ago

You obviously don’t know what blood poisoning is. No, you don’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t write that message anymore.

2 years ago

You now have as little BV as you did several hours ago with your other questions.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerFrager244

Can have many reasons. Maybe you’re suffering under hypochondrie. You don’t get any blood poisoning from an expressed pimple. Blood poisoning is triggered by an infection. If you had captured this through a pimple, the place would first become much thicker and more red. And then you probably need a weakened immune system due to risk factors such as overweight and diabetes. And then you’d have to have a lot of bad luck. So bad luck in the sense of 1:100.000 people. A sepsis is usually accompanied by fever, pain, depletion. Only if there are several symptoms and there is an infection you will even think of a sepsis.

I had a real one. And believe me. n bissl Beinzittern is not sepsis.