Habe ich Diabetes?

Hallo Leute,

ich M15

Trinke am Tag manchmal 2-4 liter wasser oder auch mal weniger. Ich muss deswegen auch häufig auf Klo.

Außerdem hab ich eine sehr ausgeprägte kälteresistenz. Also ich gehe mit kurzer Hose und t Shirt bei 15-16 Grad raus. Und mir ist nicht kalt. Deswegen ist mit aber auch oft sehr warm.

Meine Frage, sind das Anzeichen von diabetis?

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9 months ago

Hello Hallooo12812, 👋

I drink M15 sometimes 2-4 liters water or even less. I have to go to the bathroom.

the most typical

Diabetes signs = Overseas symptoms

polydipsies (strong, indelible thirst) 💦💦


polyuries (very strong hurdle) 🚽 🚽🚽

you are only if the

BZ > 180-200 mg/dl; > 10-11,1 mmol/l.

Besides, I have a very pronounced colder resistance. So I go out with short pants and t shirt at 15-16 degrees. And I’m not cold. That is why it is often very warm.

This is no oversugar symptoms.

My question, are the signs of diabetis?

Not necessarily.

Just leave your blood sugar

in the morning sober (10 hours nix eaten and

drinking) in a pharmacy.

If he is > 100 mg/dl ==> doctor.

LG 🙋🏻

9 months ago
Reply to  Hallooo128l2

So if it exceeds 100 mg per dl?

Yes, higher.👍

Can I just do this for free?

Some make it free and some for 2 € or something. ..is different…

9 months ago

There are 2-4 liters occurring normal .

9 months ago

Diabetes, not Diabetis.

Go to your doctor, drop blood, determine the long term, then you know.

Diabetes can have other symptoms and cold resistance is not one of them.

9 months ago

Not really, a diabetes is not diagnosed with symptoms that can affect a lot, but with specific blood values.