Habe ich deswegen einen Herzfehler?


Ich habe vor kurzem herausgefunden dass meine Mutter während sie von mir schwanger war und Streit hatte mit meinem Vater, dass sie aus Wut auf den Bauch geschlagen hat.

nun bin ich mit mehreren Herzfehler geboren, ich als die einzige in der Familie.

Könnte dass der Grund dafür sein oder eher nicht?

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2 years ago

I think that’s rather unlikely. But if the punch was firm, it can also cause other damage.

2 years ago

Stress during pregnancy can be a reason for malformations and diseases of the embryo. It is not to be assumed, however, that your complaints are attributable to the event. Your heart defect will have arisen for other reasons that cannot be traced if there is nothing genetically.

2 years ago

Not more. Heart defects occur as far as I know for other reasons.

2 years ago

The question has already been answered to you.

First, your mother was not pregnant with you, but with you

and secondly, a heart defect is a genetic thing and none caused by a shock or a blow.

Why don’t you ask DAS your cardiologist, because he’s all the documents of you and your heart defect.

2 years ago

Your mother was pregnant with you from your father, but not from you.

You don’t get heart defects.