Habe ich Bindungsängste?

Ich finde es sehr reizend, wenn ich mir zuerst Mühe für eine Person geben muss, die erst nicht interessiert ist, wenn die Person aber dann interessiert an mir ist, empfinde ich plötzlich das Gefühl von Ekel und möchte Abstand. Ist das normal?

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4 months ago

Your shielding confirms in many ways my own experiences in the world of dating. I myself avoid imposing tactical behavior or play. If I have interest in a person, this becomes clear from the outset. However, I have often found that as soon as you show open interest, many people, in my case especially women, gradually build up distance. Talks with female friends have confirmed to me that this is often related to the fact that one is insecure whether there is someone out there that fits better. From my point of view, this thinking leads to an endless spiral in which one increasingly believes that there could always be a more suitable person.

In your case, however, I feel the described patterns particularly intense and advise you to seriously consider professional support. Before you do this, I would also recommend you to have the active knowledge of other people rest. It may not be fair to other people if they make hope and show commitment, as you repeatedly encounter strong dislike. If this sensation occurs only occasionally, it could be due to individual characteristics of the other person. But as you describe it, it seems to be a consistent pattern and that is not healthy in the long term.

4 months ago

Ask. Why would you say you feel disgust? Are there fears that are connected with it?

Fear that the man could be the wrong man?

Fear of being abandoned?

4 months ago

You’re about the success of winning someone for you. After that it becomes uninteresting for you

4 months ago

You are a hunter, no collector 😂