Habe Energiepauschale Sep 22 nicht erhalten, wo trage ich sie in Elster Einkommenssteuererklärung ein?
Hallo, habe leider nicht die 300€ Energiepauschale 2022 von meinem Arbeitgeber erhalten, wo trage ich diese denn ein in der Elster Einkommenssteuererklärung?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
If you’re a normal worker, you don’t have to enter it anywhere.
Are you a minijobber than in the plant Other
Thank you. But how do I get the money? How does the tax office recognize that they still have to pay me the package?
Because your AG has to inform the FA whether he has paid the EPP or not.
What’s that letter on the annual certificate?
For example, “E” as I received the 300€ from my employer.
You don’t need to specify what you didn’t take.
But how do I get the money?
The answer does not help anymore….