Habe bei meinen Motorrad eine Chopper Yamaha Virago von 95 mit 250 ccm 2 Zylinder schon 54.000 km drauf, ist sowas sehr viel für den kleinen Motor?

Weil es funktioniert noch alles sehr gut, aber habe schon ein paar Leute sagen hören das die normal nur bis zu 50.000 km halten, also muß ich schon bald mit einen Motorrschaden rechnen? fahr immer gemütlich, und immer neues Öl nach 5000km oder Jahr…

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2 years ago

Nope. If you’re technically as smart as visual, you’re always driving warm and cold and you’re driving reasonable at all – then you could You’ll have more than 50,000 Km or even more pleasure. Simply regularly check whether any seals or lines have become porous, replace them in time. Always nicely dry parking and regularly move but not too burdensome. What doesn’t mean that you can’t even make a tour with your Virago – quite on the contrary, a longer distance, reasonably driven, surely does the engine well because it is freed of infusions.

Otherwise, if you want, you could let your carburetor clean and overtake over the winter here – this is also a miracle:


In addition, a simple sprite filter filtering the dirt (which has certainly been collected in the tank over the years) from the gasoline.

2 years ago


as well as the looks you take care of it and drive like a madman, it is quite a lot but the engine is also very robust. A motor damage usually announces itself before, increased oil consumption etc. It is rather rare that the thing goes up completely from the “noth”. I’m sure you’ll get a little leaky when you get a seal.

Greetings and Good Ride Anna

2 years ago

With good care, some small motors can really surprise you. Of course, this is not just a few kilometers for such a motor, but just as there are cars that have already been down at 100,000km and the same vehicles that have run 5 compartments and still run, you can also experience true wonders at the motorcycle.

2 years ago

Maybe I’m lucky, I’ve had boxes with much more cubics that didn’t make the 70k with the same care.

2 years ago

because he doesn’t turn high.