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Paypal im minus?
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Wann Geld umtauschen?
Moin, kenne mich mit Finanzen nicht so aus.. Sollte ich Euro in Zloty tauschen wenn der Zloty hoch ist, oder eher niedrig.
The purchase and sale of goods by Paypal Friends& Family is not allowed. That’s the name. It also stands in the Agb of Paypal. When Paypal checks your account, it can not only have expensive consequences, such as repayments, penalty payments, fees etc. Paypal can also block or display you, as you cheated Paypal around the fees. This can also happen to you if the account of another one you have exchanged payments is checked with. Of course, you can show others, but you’ll show up, because you cheated.
Nope, nothing
With family and friends at Paypal you didn’t pay for anything, but don’t give money. Can Paypal report it, but you’ll get to the point that they’re blocking you for PP for life.
You could still charge your money civilly, but whether it’s successful is questionable. Maybe you’ll stay at the expense.
Book it as an apprenticeship. Even to blame.
There is no single reason to pay goods with R&F as a buyer, not a single one. That’s enough reasons not to do it.
You can, of course, make an ad, maybe find out who it is via PayPal. But I’d say the odds are bad. You can only learn from it, the Friends&Family feature doesn’t mean it for free.
Can’t you get from chat or from acc?
Maybe about the email, but if the seller has deliberately cheated, you won’t find anything.
ok thanks I have to
Congratulations, how many thousand in many years ago fell on scams, I’m just asking one thing: why are people never smart? Everyone slowly knows that they don’t pay for unknowns in advance. I’d like to report, the money’s gone.
A certain satisfaction maybe. That’s all.
You can make an ad, but if you want to have your money back, you have to file it in court.
The Mirmeltier always greets.
When do you finally learn?
Doesn’t do anything when the fraud is in Nigeria. You paid tuition.
Dumb ran, so many crooks drive around, the best is still when you can pick up the goods.