Habe 3 Monate nicht gekifft/ Test war Negativ bis gestern, wird Test in 4 Tagen immernoch positiv sein?
Wie schon gesagt war mein Test bis gestern noch negativ, da ich mehrere Monate nicht mehr gekifft hab, hab gestern wieder einen J geraucht und muss in 4 Tagen ca einen Test machen (150ng/ml Cutoff) wegen meinen Eltern. Denkt ihr es wird negativ, wenn ich sehr viel Wasser trinke in dem Zeitraum? Was könnte noch helfen? Ich weiß dass viel Wasser so verdünnt mäßig
Much water dilute the degradation products, does not eliminate them.
With four days you are still in the average detection range of three to four days at your joint yesterday.
What “helps” is a clean foreign urine if the parents don’t look at the snare when they pee and you can smug a small container with clean foreign urine into the toilet.
I’ve pissed in a bottle before I knocked in, but I’ve been joking that my father wants to watch as a couple of times before.
But a test of 150ng/ml is also much “unfortunate” or not?
I can’t take your fear.
But I’m pushing the thumbs that the test is “unsau enough”.
Thx for * (2053)
And how was the result now? Positive? Nehativ?
Thanks 🙂
If you’ve got an important test in four days, and yet I’m gonna say congratulations. Obviously, you’ve squealed your mind well.
No it’s not fix when I’m testing, but I assume in 4 days, they always do if they have suspicions and that’s usually Fr/Sa
You don’t seem to be the brightest candle on the cake when you’re abstinent for months and you’re about 4 days ahead of a test.The 4 days you could still have been clean and you’re just supposed to whisper.
You test me every week, I never know exactly when, but mostly weekend, sorry I should mention
Then it’s not too smart to grind when you’re under constant control.
religious foreign parents stop, nothing evil xD
What did you do to test you so much is worse than the MPU.
That’s right, but I just ordered 150ng/ml tests, because they don’t check it, and they’re not so “healthy” the tests. But 100% right was stupid