Habe 200 gramm gefrorene Himbeeren gegessen und gelesen, dass Pestiziden drin sind? Wie kann ich Pestizide in meinem Körper neutralisieren bzw. ableiten?

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4 months ago

Not at all.

In the end, however, residues of pesticides are almost everywhere. However, there are limits that must be adhered to by the food industry – as long as this is done, the quantities are considered to be safe for us humans. There is no reason to panic about what is true.

If you want to avoid it, you need to buy everything at least in organic quality, or even better grow yourself.

4 months ago

200 grams of frozen berries harm the stomach more than any residues of plant protection products.

First, there are maximum values that protect your health.

On the other hand, every substance can be detected everywhere nowadays.

This is much more fatal:

https://www.chip.de/news/Schon-ein-Teeeloeffel-kann-toedlich-sein-Bundesinstitut-warnt-vor Powder_185544569.html

Or salt.

Or water. 6 liters in a short time can be fatal. Some drink half the deadly amount a day.

4 months ago

Now it’s too late, but the EU limits are good enough that it doesn’t hurt you with occasional consumption. For frozen berries, I would use organic.

4 months ago

There are food supplements that regenerate the intestinal flora. It’ll take time.

4 months ago

The body does it itself