hab ich was falsch gemacht oder ist diese oma dumm?

War vor ner stunde mit meinem hund raus ich hab halt einen kleinen hund, und hab aufm weg nh oma mit zwei großen hünden gesehen dann hab ich mein hund hoch genommen und bin grade aus gelaufen und bin an dieser oma vorbei gelaufen dann meinte die „das ist gefählich was du machst“ ich hab gefragt wieso und sie meinte „wenn du dein hund tragst können andere hünde auf dich springen weil sie nicht wissen wieso du den hund tragst“

Wurde dann in diesem moment angerufen und bin weg gegangen

ABER stimmt das was die oma sagt? Ist mir eigentlich egal aber ich wills wissen

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2 months ago

Basically, she’s not so wrong.

You shouldn’t keep raising your dog “for reasons” and not “for safety” just because you see other dogs from afar.

You should raise your dog so he has no stress when he meets other dogs. He shouldn’t learn that he’s always on his arm or can even blow up from above! In case of doubt, if a dog doesn’t want to be sneaked, then you are the one who has the other dog on him!

2 months ago

It comes to the dogs.Many witter enmity 😉Comes on education, as with people.Only dogs have instincts.But as a rule this is not.You don’t have to do this.

The phrase that you are eig.egal means allrdings that you have no respect for age or people.That’s not so great!😉

2 months ago

Yes, the grandma is right and other dogs can jump on you when you take your dog on the arm when they have seen the dog being raised. But this is not dangerous and the dogs do not think so far that they wonder why the dog is raised, but the dogs are interested in the dog and want to sniff it.

However, I would also not raise a small dog at any sight of big dogs, but only if you have the impression that the other dog holder does not have his dog in the grip or the dog is in the freewheel and there is a risk for your dog.

And I wouldn’t lift the dog if he’s on your arm.

2 months ago

No, it makes no sense. The grandma has done something wrong if she shouldn’t have fished the dogs while walking. You probably just took your dog up. So the two big dogs don’t push yours.

2 months ago

She’s not right. Next time would just walk past the other dogs or change the roadside.

2 months ago

I think this can happen. There are still dogs that do not react positively to other dogs.
And if that’s the case, it can be good that they jump on you.

2 months ago


Apart from that, is it your grandma? If no, it’s a nausea to call her that, babbling.

2 months ago

I wouldn’t say that you acted wrong, nor that it was necessarily “dumm”.

2 months ago

If the grandma that said exactly, doesn’t make any sense at all.

2 months ago
Reply to  LetItHappen

MY? Either you quoted them EXAKT or you misunderstood them. You can’t know what they’re doing.

2 months ago
Reply to  Nectovelin

I wouldn’t say that. When dogs suddenly go on, you’re in the gossip when you have the object that the other dog wants to tear on the arm.

The questioner does not therefore make the situation more dangerous, but rather a certain situation more dangerous. for you.

2 months ago
Reply to  SirSilenius

That’s not how it was according to FS. He wrote nothing about the fact that the dogs of the grandma already attacked his little ones. According to FS, he took his dog precaution on the arm.

2 months ago

Maybe she meant it. But if the FS correctly quoted it, it did not formulate it well.

2 months ago

Right. The grandma warned against a situation that can happen sometime. That is the only way I think that would make sense. :
The FS protects his dog with the gesture, but would get in danger if a big dog wants to get to the little one.

2 months ago

Yeah. You’re expressing yourself ambiguous. Maybe she did this, or you got it wrong.

2 months ago

The grandma had a bad day maybe, it’s your thing you do with your dog

2 months ago

Why do you wear a dog – don’t reveal to me, he even has 4 paws.

and have seen on the way nh oma with two big hands

I don’t have any reason to take my dogs. they’re all on the leash. Fitted