Hab ich schlechte Eltern?

Für meine Eltern zählen nur die Bedürfnisse meiner Schwester wenn ich krank bin muss ich trotzdem in die Schule selbst mit lungeentzündung und meine Schwester darf wegen Bauchschmerzen zu Hause bleiben und 5 min später rennt sie rum wie wenn sie nie was gehabt hätte

Aktuell habe ich starke Bauchschmerzen und kann deswegen nicht mal richtig stehen und laufen erst recht nicht und habe gefragt ob ich nen Tee haben kann und meine mutter sagt zu mir ich soll mir einen machen weil meine Schwester Uno spielen will und ich kann nicht mal richtig stehen um mir nen scheiß Tee machen

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4 months ago

I have the impression that you’re pretty exaggerated. It certainly hurts when you have abdominal pain. But if you have such severe pain that you can’t stand anymore, you wouldn’t be able to write here. In addition, the ambulance would have to be called immediately, because this is very unusual and could also mean something bad.

Your mother knows all this and also that you can easily exaggerate. And she also confirmed that with her behavior. It will have been with your alleged pneumonia. A doctor certainly didn’t diagnose her, otherwise you wouldn’t have had to go to school.

It may be that you’re quite hurtful, which isn’t bad, as long as you don’t bother others. If this is the case with you, you just have to hold a little more, because no one can take your pain off. You can be relieved by painkillers, tea and what else there is. You can do all that for yourself, if it were of course nice if your mother would do this to you. But no matter who does, the pain effect is the same in both cases.

It would be good if you did this early, you’ll still have a lot of pain in life and not always have someone around you who’s lying to you.

I can only advise you on the subject, get used to it as soon as possible. For those who exaggerate will not be taken seriously, even if something really bad should be. If it doesn’t react seriously at once, it could have fatal consequences.