Hab ich mich enjungfert?

Hallo Leute

Also Ich mach mich manchmal halt fingern und so und heute hab ich mich halt gefingert so ganz leicht bin nicht richtig so reingegangen und dann hab ich gemerkt so bisschen blut kommt raus und mir ist des noch nie passiert ich hab angst das ich mich enjungfert hab aber es könnte halt sein das ich auch meine tage sind so weil ich in paar tage meine Periode bekomme ich weis aber wirklich nicht und hab angst

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7 months ago


I think you live a little bit in a myth.

It is a superstition that one is no longer a virgin when the hymen (the “Jungfernhäutchen”) is torn or injured.

Being a virgin is only a spiritual and not a physical condition.It is the name for a person who never had sex so never done anything with another person what this would call sex.

So to be no longer a virgin, you must have performed an intimate act with a sex of your choice that you would call sex. In the past, the penis has to be in the vagina so that it is considered to be sex and thus as defloration, but since we live in a world by also existing and performing homosexual or pansexual partnerships you meanwhile say that it is considered to be sex when viewed by the person and the partner as sex.

In some, the hymen was already damaged by sport or at other moments without the person having sex ever. People who already had vaginal intercourse can also have a completely intact and undamaged hymen. Do even with damaged or unexisting hymen born!

The hymen just got the worst nickname there was when you assumed that the hymen always tears and even only tears during sex, that’s not true. Even children can have a torn hymen even if they never had vaginal sex with someone.

It is very stretchy and does not tear so quickly so that you can have had X-time sex and still have an intact hymen. In the normal case, however, the crack increases again.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



7 months ago

Without having sex, you’re still a virgin. The hymen, in this respect, you can of course have hurt. You may have just scratched the sensitive mucous membrane.

7 months ago

Hello, with the finger it is actually quite impossible 🙂 because you are still a virgin, this is quite normal that sometimes comes with a little blood.


7 months ago
Reply to  SomeoneAnime

All good 🙂 like

7 months ago

You can’t get rid of yourself. Defloration is the first intercourse

7 months ago
Reply to  SomeoneAnime

The juvenile skin doesn’t matter.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kreator18

No the skin can also tear during sports.

7 months ago
Reply to  DerPfleger01

I’m aware. So I wrote that it doesn’t matter

7 months ago

You can’t escape yourself.