Hab ich eine lungenzündung?
Hallo ihr lieben ich hab mal eine fragen hab ich eine lungenzündung oder was könnte es sein? Werden natürlich morgen direkt zum Arzt gehen weil ich nicht denke das es für ein Krankenhaus ein Notfall wäre ich hab schmerzen im ganzen Rücken Vorallem unter denn schulternblätten nacken schmerzen Druck auf der Brust schwer Luft viel am Husten sehr starken Druck auf denn Kopf wie Kopfschmerzen mir ist ständig warm kalt dann manchmal ein ziehen auf der linken Seite in der Brust sehr schwach und Hals tut weh meine Lunge gibt so ein leichtes pfeifen ab, Mein Freund hatte letzte Woche eine lungenzündung und auch im Krankenhaus ich denke aber nicht das eine lungenzündung ansteckend ist oder ?
Danke für eure Antworten
The pathogens of a pneumonia are contagious and can! over the air, by means of droplets > cut, cough. This does not mean that everyone is infected. The danger exists mainly in elderly people whose immune system is weakened or in pre-disorders, such as as asthma bronchiale.
Whether you have a pneumonia or not, I can’t answer you because remote diagnostics are not possible.
For diagnosis, a thorough anamnese, physical examination with outcultation of the lung is necessary. Your doctor may lose blood, control the inflammatory parameters and, depending on the indication, arrange a roe.: Thorax.
I wish you good and quick improvement!
Go to the doctor, there’s no one here looking bright. Not really with your laity description of the symptoms.
Who can read is clearly in the advantage had mentioned above to go to the doctor tomorrow, just wanted to know if someone knows this and maybe with me can suspect what it is, you should not ask me a diagnosis now
Suggestions and guessing games do not bring you anything and are certainly not targeted. However, if you want to play rate games, I’ll tap lung cancer in the final stage.
What you refer to as “dumme scissors” are irrefutable facts:) And the assumption that lung cancer could be is absolutely justified by your laity description. If you don’t like serious answers, don’t ask questions.
Yes, of course, despite all this, you will naturally think what it can be♀️ ♀️ so I ask a normal question if it doesn’t fit or you can only answer such a stupid shit, then let it go, was Eben on your profile what you ask for questions are still stupid, nor you don’t seem to be the brightest candle on the cake or even very young when you’re puking with cancer
Right, you are not dependent on rate games and even I as a medical practitioner think lung cancer is an absolutely logical diagnosis when you look at your laity description. It doesn’t bring you anything to ask such a question here and it’s totally bullshit to ask a question here if you have an appointment with the doctor who can examine you and thus ask a correct diagnosis.
If you don’t have reasonable to say or have to answer, then just don’t leave it on your answer 😘