Hab ich ein PROBLEM mit ALKOHOL – JA ODER NEIN (Bitte durchlesen!)?
ich wollte nur was fragen
hab ich eig schon ein Problem mit alk?
ich hab mit 15 schon angefangen mit alk. Mit 15-16 hab ich’s immer richtig übertrieben. War jedes einzelne Wochenende feiern (entweder mit Freunden privat oder Disko) locker um die 10- 15 Vodkabull und paar Spritzer (Wein mit Mineralwasser) fast IMMER dann getrunken.hatte schon um die 4 bis 5 Filmrisse. Einmal einen kompletten, andere Male nen halben. Also einfach nur behindert.. vorallem mit 15-16..
jz bin ich in 4 monaten 18 (Also mehr als 17,5) Trinke aber nur noch 1-2 große Gläser Wein am Abend. 2 Tage mach ich Pause.. auf feiern übertreib ich’s auch überhaupt nicht mehr. Und gehe selten noch richtig feiern (zum 18 Geburtstag natürlich schon, aber ja momentan nicht mehr wirklich) bin aber nach 1-2 großen Gläsern Wein da schon ziemlich angetrunken. Weil ich’s 1. Nicht mehr so krass gewohnt bin und 2. Ich ziemlich dünn bin… trinke meist 2 große Gläser Wein am Abend. ist es schon ein Problem. Tagsüber denk ich fast kaum an alk, dafür gegen Abend und trink dann ca 1-2 große Gläser Wein wie gesagt.. ist es schon ein Problem oder nicht? Und ist es gut dass ich von so viel auf so wenig begrenzt hab? Bzw wie findet ihr es?
und problem oder nicht? Danke euch schonmal! 🙂
Hello Lucas
The biggest problem that I’ve got is your quantity… 🤣
“Great glasses of wine…” sounds like red wine glasses. Then you would drink with 2 glasses far more than a 0.75L bottle of wine.
Ja, then you would have a problem…
The wine glasses are normally filled, then I wouldn’t consider it an acute problem, but I wouldn’t recommend you to always alcoholize and limit it to 1 glass more often.
2 days break should be the minimum. Then you do not run risk unintentionally slipping into a dependency. Even if the risk of dependence on alcohol is much lower than for example in smoking, it leads to much more serious problems so that one has developed.
I think that despising your thoughts in the evening for drinking wine is a matter of concern if it is not just exceptions.
Basic I would consider it so that you have surpassed your storm and urge, with 15, 16 and now more sung. However, you should keep everything in the field of view and, if possible, limit the quantities a little and also take larger breaks.
All good… and stays healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Renounce alk for a little time. Don’t worry about it. If I only think about alk, I feel so nausea. So I really don’t need to. Ka why everyone thinks I had a problem with alk about 1-2 glasses in the evening. At that time I exaggerated it, yes. But now I’m not even older. I’ve changed a lot and my alcohol consumption. And I think I know how it’s about me or not?
If the “small time” runs over about a week or longer and you don’t feel any urge to drink alcohol or formulate otherwise, you don’t want to drink alcohol as out of nowhere, then you are currently not at risk in a dependency.
Every evening, over a longer period, always drinking 1-2 glasses of wine can end in a dependency at some point. You should definitely avoid that. I don’t see an acute problem right now.
It would be very important that you are consciously questioning yourself in the future.
Many have times in their youth where you try and where alcohol is sometimes consumed excessively. Of course, any such phase is harmful, but c’est la vie… this is human.
Important and top priority should always be that this is only a short phase as short as possible in time.
If you question yourself objectively, jaaa… then you are the one who knows his body best. Elementary is its own objectivity, that it does not fall into excuses and/or generalizations…
The A & O is a responsible handling of alcohol. You seem to be on the right path…
I like to drink alcohol, but rarely and exclusively alcohol which also tastes me or which I promise to enjoy.
I also had times when I had definitely drunk too much in my youth. It should be avoided with consciousness, objectivity and objectivity. If, in the end, only one abstains and with the priority is enjoyment, everything should move within a reasonable framework.
And you’ll drink again, we both know that.
This could be regulated with a reasonable e-cigarette.
Irgwann yes. But I’ll take a break first. And not only one or two days. Whether you believe it or not🤷
Let the wine go in the evening.
Do it. Point.
No excuse. No: I don’t need it because I know I could.
Then you’ll see what fact is.
But in the end you know it anyway because you wrote it up yourself:
I’ll take a break. And I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms, nor do I think of it and have no problems with it. Rather, I have nausea feelings when I only think of alk. I don’t need it
Yes, it is.
Alone to baptize like a hole, should really give you thought…
Yeah, but I’m under control right now? If I really had a big problem mkt alk I wouldn’t have under control and would even be drinking a whole bottle of wine or harder away every day…
But you could do without alcohol, you would have it under control.
Two big glasses of wine in the evening – great control.
Just weird that you seem to know me better than myself
Let’s see. You also think I have a problem with alk because I sometimes drink 1 or 2 glasses in the evening
No, I won’t
I’m sure you’ll drink again today or tomorrow.
I’m just gonna take a break and I’m gonna have a degree around me? I have absolutely no problem with it. I even feel nausea when I think of alk. For years, I will not give up on it, but have neither withdrawal symptoms nor problems with it.
You spoil the future….
Stupid auto correction!
And believe me it’s terrible to be with an alcoholic.
You deserve your future and yes, regular drinking, is alcohol addiction.
Yes, I didn’t drink. Where’s the problem?
At some point, you don’t have a bump on it….” Joa, you’re an alcoholic.
Then you’re going to clean up with or without a bump.
It is regular alcohol consumption.
Don’t worry.
Drinking alcohol at regular intervals can be an indication of a addiction problem. Especially if the person is “connected” and has no alternatives. So, yes, alcoholic isn’t the first time you live as a penner under a bridge.
What distinguishes the samplers from DIR is that you say that you need Alk to celebrate that there are two large glasses of wine in the evening and the GAR NIX is – so much more than half a litre per evening is relativized by you as GAR NIX. That you harm your consumption, relativize and get grumpy when faced with it. And that you’ve got all to say for drinking. You’re 18, you’re not bad, you’re just a few years after you don’t have a bump anymore…
And how outraged you were when I told you to leave him for a few years. Classic addiction to get so excited about it. And at the top, your consumption still comes at an age where you shouldn’t have had any alcohol, especially not in such crowds.
But… what am I… You don’t want to hear it anyway. Your whole question here is for the toilet because you don’t ask her to hear honest opinions, but to hear what you want to hear. You want to hear everything’s okay and you can go on like this, but if everything were so supi dupi, you wouldn’t ask. So you basically know that you have a problem.
You don’t need an alcohol for good celebrations. And it doesn’t matter how old you are. Alcohol is so useless to celebrate like foot fungus, but much too many people are harming it and only mean having a successful celebration when there is something to drink. Idiots who think so. Are you one? Have fun.
So you want to tell me that every rescue agent, policeman, doctor, etc. the evening drink a dinner beer or a glass of wine with colleagues, has an alcohol problem? If this happens every day or keeps it regularly… because that’s what many people see to turn off.
And normal working, too?
Alkis are people who relativize their addiction. And you are definitely addicted, just as you defend your beloved fabric here. Look at the survey and the answers, they are clear even for the HOberschwachkopf. How many people have to tell you that you have a problem, are you capturing it?
Alki for 4-5 times a week 1-2 glasses of wine in the evening?? You can see you don’t have them all anymore. Are you sure you never did something? ♂️ ♂️
Oh, Lucas.
You’ve got as much control as a baby can crawl.
see it – you have a problem, because your harmlessness is already too much of the good. Srunners deny where they can only and play everything down.
Saufer also say that party is only possible with Alk and that no celebration without Alk ne is good celebration.
I really didn’t drink and you know why? Because too many acquaintances have been dead. I was able to watch them live as they gave themselves the edge so that they finally sat in the wheelchair and bite themselves in the pants. they also didn’t know when enough and they also said, “Ah, a glass is nix, I’ve got it under control.” They also believed that parties were only great with Alk. most of them are dead now, the rest sabbert in front of them and must be washed off the ass. I’ve been out of contact for a long time, I don’t need a misery in my life.
By the way, Alkis also come with WHO guidelines and become just as grumpy as you are. Because they don’t want to hear the truth. Another proof of your problem. In no time.
Funny that 2 glasses of wine still belong to the HARMLOSEN GRENZE. Up to 22g or Max 45 should be allowed to drink a male problemless (from WHO) and 2 glasses are still in the Green Border. funny, right? To think in a bit
Why would I have been long? Especially now that I am 18? Celebration is just part of it. Irgwann hasn’t got a bock. I’m under control right now. Don’t have to baptize me anymore. But party with BISSCHEN Alk is part of it!! Can’t tell me you didn’t do it with 17-20
Alcoholics love to relativize their suff. I wonder when the “is healthy for the cycle” excuse comes, it’s the classic one with sips.
Yes, that’s a lot. And this statement alone is proof enough. Because alcoholics deny their problem as long as it goes.
That’s a lot for your body. And if you’re so drunk, that’s what happened to your liver.
Don’t give up on Alk for a few years. On JEDEN, also on the glasses of wine. Can’t, huh?
By the way, it’s called SOFF.
If I hadn’t been under control, I would continue drinking until I am back at 2-3 promille ca And could not stop drinking!!
Listen. At that time I almost went to the coma. WOMAN! 2 glasses of wine is GARNICHTS. Often it is just a single glass. This is really NOT
Yeah, you need the alcohol, it’s stuck.
I’d do something about it, a “career” as an alcoholic is really not funny, you’ll spoil all your life with it.
It’s funny that I can take a break without any problems and have no withdrawal symptoms at all. If I’m just thinking about alk, I’m feeling nausea. I don’t need it! But you can make a glass, otherwise you should not miss everything. Even on coffee or sugar. My only problem is my cigarette consumption. Alk definitely not
Sure, that’s what alcoholics do, they make such breaks. And then they start again.
Yeah, I know the spell. You’ll get a glass or a bottle of beer…..
I lived with an alcoholic, I know everything you wrote in your comments.
You have an alcohol problem, that’s safe.
From the regularity already…
This is a clear addiction problem. Always between 2-3 days break does not mean that you are not addicted.
You show addiction, but you are aware of yourself. It’s only a problem if you lose control or take excuses, although you would have decided against it.
Don’t take any alcohol a week ago.
Every day alcohol speaks for a problem.
Well, I’ll take 2 -3 days off a week. And so that without problems.
Hello, Lucas!
As you write here, you don’t seem to have a problem with alcohol, but without.
Apart from whether you are dependent or not: drinking alcohol before the body is matured at 21 years, there is always harm in the body. There are over 200 diseases that cause alcohol abuse. In addition, there may also be genetic changes which the alcohol can trigger during puberty.
So you already have many signs of addiction problem
So I’d turn to the addiction advice, just listen to what they say and then you can still decide. I think you’re asking because you want to change something, I have great respect for it.
So it’s true with some things.
the first two things are right. The last 3 things but not
I said I barely think of alk before night. I’m just drinking 1-2 big glasses. Otherwise during the day, alk 0
‘ You avoid situations (partys) that are being consumed” well, so I’m going to celebrate. Don’t stop too often. Very rare
“You’re drinking on a day” but that’s not true. I drink only evening or night!! During the day, I’ve never claimed…
but yes, I look very critical. But I’m fine. First of all, 1-2 glasses of wine should even be healthy.. I’m just supposed to drink more rarely, but…
From the statement that wine in measure would be healthy, one has come. Alcohol is a cell poison and has been regarded as carcinogenic for several years. The healthy ingredients are also contained in the unfermented grape juice. Every day 25 grams of pure alcohol are considered safe, but this is controversial among medical professionals.
Do you know how to justify yourself here? “…I think bare to Alk…” doesn’t mean you don’t even do it? And why are you less likely to celebrate? Because it’s not fun anymore? Or because you could drink too much there? Be honest, what’s the reason? Like what you’re doing in the end, your decision. You asked a question, I gave an answer, now it’s up to you
I don’t have to read it. Whoever asks like that has a problem. So let it go.
And without alcohol, your problem would be even bigger.