Hab ich bullimie?

Ich esse sehr gerne bin aber nicht dick, mein bmi ist eigentlich genau in der Mitte, aber mein Gesicht sieht aus als wäre ich unnormal fett, mein Gewicht schwankt immer so zwischen 6 kg und sobald ich zunehme, sieht man es fast nur im gesicht und manchmal wenn ich zuviel gegesen hab hab ich angst so ein fettes Gesicht zu kriegen und stecke dem Finger rein um mich zu übergeben. Es kommt auch immer öfter vor, ist wie ne Sucht, aber ich hab nie fressanfälle, also ist das schon bullimie und wie bezeichnet man das?

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2 years ago

You should go to the doctor first and talk about your face. Is there perhaps other causes than weight gain? Reaction to drugs or allergic reaction, so the face is swelling?

It’s rather unnormal that you just get on your face! So talk to the doctor about it and let you know if you could somehow prevent it.

But also talk to a cosmetician or the way you can seem attractive, even if your face is too thick. Maybe there are tips.

In any case, you have a problem with your body and the transfer is harmful to health (speise tube etching), so I would stop this and find other ways.

2 years ago

If it’s only time to go, you can do that when you’ve been eating over and being bad. But it should not be regular.

2 years ago

It’s an eating disorder. It could be a magic addiction with Bulgarian traits. You should look for help.

2 years ago

There’s no diet.

But I think you have a bulimia.

Depending on the state of the rest, there is also an atypical Bulgarian anorexia.

But are only guesses, no diagnosis.

2 years ago

Maybe you have bulimia.

2 years ago

and sometimes when I’ve done too much, I’m afraid to get such a fat face and put your finger in order to hand me over.

Bulimie means that you first have a fresco with a very high calorie number and then deliberately break down or also use deductants to get rid of calories. Excessive sports are sometimes also operated after a fress attack. Bulimia is also called “Ess-Brechsucht”.

It also happens more and more often than not, but I never have frescoes,

Without eating, it’s officially not a bulimia. At any rate, however, obviously there is an eating disorder and fear of your appearance. The deliberate and frequent vomiting is not normal and also not healthy! I’d currently class it as atypical eating disorder.

In the long term, the body is irreparably damaged (i.e. the physical damage caused by frequent vomiting can no longer be undone from a certain point, but remain permanently). The esophagus and the mouth are etched by the stomach acid during vomiting. This can then lead to pain and also to tooth problems (the tooth enamel is attacked, caries can arise, teeth can fail, esophagus cancer is favored).

my weight always varies between 6 kg

This is a relatively large weight fluctuation. Normal would be 1 to 3 kg.

So you should handle your eating problem, possibly with professional help.