Hab glaub ungewasches Obst gegessen, ist das schlimm?
Wollte Guacamole machen, hatte Tomaten schon reingegeben, hab dann bemerkt, das ich sie nicht gewaschen hatte, versucht sie raus zu fischen, und dann zu waschen. Verteilen sich Pestizide und Viren bei sowas schon, sodass die Avocado auch damit voll ist?
You can eat anything unwashed as long as it is BIO. If you can’t get chemicals on it and you should wash it. If you forget it, it’s OK. Own fruits from the garden can also be eaten unwashed
In the case of vegetables/fruits intended for consumption with shell, waiting times shall apply after spraying before they may be harvested. In time, the spraying agents have degraded.
And if there was something else, then it would not go away with washing anyway, because the concentration is already in the bowl/fruit.
What goes off during washing are only the superficial dirt such as dust, earth, etc.
This is different in fruit and vegetables with non-edible peel. You should wash your hands after the peel in some of them 😂
I practically never wash anything on fruits and vegetables 🤷🏼 and I still live and I am healthy. So no there’s nothing going on
This is not so bad, it will survive 🙂
In my childhood, I ate the vegetables freshly from Beet, with sausages and dirt, and I survived it. I didn’t even get sick.
So don’t worry, you’re not gonna happen.
You don’t have to fish out. A one-time non-washing of fruit or vegetables is now really not a problem.
You don’t have to worry about it. You can eat all this without thought
I hope you washed the avocado well before peeling/cutting.
in contrast to the tomatoes are quite pesticides on the avocado.