Hab 1 konto bei der bank möchte ein 2 eröffnen um per dauerauftrag jeden monat geld auf das 2 konto zu überweisen ist es dann ein spezielles sparkonto?

Hi ich möchte ein 2 konto eröffnen will per dauerauftrag geld auf das 2 konto überweisen ist es dann ein spezielles konto sparkonto oder ein ganz normales

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1 year ago

If the second account is to serve as a savings account, it should be a money market account that allows a low negligible interest rate.

However, it should be pointed out that such money market accounts are often associated with bank account management fees.

If the account management fees are larger than the expected interest, a money market account is not the right choice.

In this case, another current account would only be useful.

1 year ago


that is then a normal current account.

I’d advise you to see a so-called savings account.
Many banks offer higher interest rates and if you don’t want to access the saved money every day, there are higher interest rates at 6 months or even more for longer “delivery time”.

You can also look for a stock savings plan (there are enough explanations) where you pay a fixed amount monthly. There are interest rates from 5% and more….

A bank manager of the current bank advises you.

Best regards from Leipzig

1 year ago

Just make a sub-account on your current account.

1 year ago

A current account. It’s normal.