Haarentferungscreme für Intimbereich??


kennt jemand von euch vielleicht eine gute Haarentfernungscreme für den Intimbereich, die die Haut Babyglatt macht, ohne Stoppeln? Ich bin weiblich und habe ziemlich dickes Haar und immer wenn ich versuche mich dort zu rasieren bekomme ich Rasierpickel und rote Haut. Ich bin wirklich verzweifelt und hab echt schon alles ausprobiert.

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1 year ago

Hello Lilly348726,

You better not use dehair cream! The creams consist of pure chemistry and only damage the sensitive skin.

I will remove my body hair (intimation, armpits, upper body and neck) at regular intervals with a cosmetician with sugar paste.

With this kind of hair removal, so-called sugaring, the hair with the root is removed in natural growth direction! Thus, no hair can break off and later not grow in, which avoids a pimple ply. Since the hair root is removed, the skin remains smooth even for a long time! In addition, the new hair does not grow as stoppers, but are thinner, finer and brighter.

In the beginning, the result lasts about two weeks! Then new hair begins to grow, which can then be removed from a minimum length of 0.3 cm (after two further weeks). Ba regular application increases the distances and the skin can remain smooth for up to six weeks (distance between two treatments).

Of course, this type of hair removal is not exactly cheap! I still prefer the shaving, as I have a right sensitive skin and got over all these years, through shaving, pimples, rednesses and rash. Since I’ve had my hair removed with the sugar paste, I’ve been so worried.

LG. Widow 1985