Haarausfall als 17-jähriger Junge?
Mit 15 habe ich angefangen, viele Haare auf meinem Bett zu sehen. Das fing nach Corona an. Aber jetzt sieht mein Kopf aus wie die eines 45-jährigen Mannes. Lücken sind deutlich zu erkennen. Ich muss sie immer verstecken. ich glaube, in zwei Jahren werde ich völlig kahl sein. ich war beim Arzt und er hat mir Blut abgenommen. Er sagt, alles sei normal. Ich glaube nicht dass es genetisch bedingt ist. Irgendwelche Tipps?
Genetically or genetically caused hair loss is very rare with 17. Corona can also cause hair loss as a result, even if this does not occur so often. What doctor were you with? The doctor is the skin doctor if it was not a skin doctor, then look for a skin doctor.
Yes I have to do this
Circular hair loss, Alopecia areata? (Google and compare the pictures!)
This is an autoimmune disease or is considered one. The predisposition for autoimmune diseases has been born. Vaccinations and infections can act as an impulse for the immune system, so that there is a misregulation. If you were to be affected, it could be the corona infection.
Your doctor is a skin doctor? If not, pick one up. I don’t know if he could help you.
No, that’s not Alopecia areata. Have you ever seen an old man who naturally loses hair? That’s it. It’s not a disease. It looks very normal. I used to be with the doctor. Dermatologist has not yet been given appointments only after a very long time. Thank you.
Regaine . It’s hard
I just ordered. Does that help?