Gynäkologische OP, trotz Periode?
Frage für eine Freundin, welche morgen eine amb. OP in Vollnarkose hat (am Hymen).
Leider hat sie heute ihr Periode bekommen. Da sie leider keine passende Telefonnummer hat, kann sie dort nicht nachfragen.
Weiß einer von euch, ob man die OP dennoch machen kann?
You can also be connected via the reception.
Actually, this should have been clarified in the preliminary interview, and phone numbers can usually be found via Google – at least those from the relevant headquarters that they can then pass through.
Can only report what she said. It has a telephone number, nir of the central occupancy management of the KH. I don’t think it’s going properly.
then you want them to call the info and connect them. It should get out with Google or end up in most clinics at 0. Say, in doubt, just try it.
If your “friend” doesn’t want to be re-tacked by a backyard technician, it’s just nonsense with the missing phone number.
May I ask, please, that she wants to be able to operate on the bachelor’s skin – with a general anesthesia – and does not even know the name of the treating practice?
Isn’t that irresponsible? And meaningless? Please explain.
Exactly my thoughts.
My thought too.
Can only report what she said. It has a telephone number, nir of the central occupancy management of the KH. I don’t think it’s going properly.
Then she should ask her new gynecologist.
Very sneaky…. for a friend? Surgery at the young lady? Under general anesthesia?No telephone number. the clinic/practice?