Gymnasium or comprehensive school, which is better?

Hey guys, it's possible that I (f, 15) might move to a new city with my family and then of course I'll have to change schools.

I'm currently attending a secondary school (9th grade) in the Realschule (secondary school) program. Since I want to become a doctor and need a high school diploma to study, I always thought I'd have to transfer to a Gymnasium (grammar school) after 10th grade, because that's the only place you can get your Abitur. But now I've read that there are several different school qualifications and also several different types of schools.

I know that at Oberschule (upper secondary school) you can earn a Realschule (secondary school) or Hauptschule (secondary school) certificate, or first a Hauptschule (secondary school) certificate up to grade 9 and then a Realschule (secondary school) certificate up to grade 10. At Gymnasium (high school), you can earn an Abitur (university entrance qualification), which goes up to grade 12 or 13. But now I've discovered that there's also a Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) where you can earn all of the qualifications, which I don't understand. Why don't you just go to a Gymnasium (high school), Hauptschule (secondary school), or Realschule?

If you can also get your Abitur at a comprehensive school, is it equivalent to a Gymnasium (grammar school)? Because if so, then I want to go to a comprehensive school, because everyone I know who goes to a Gymnasium is so stuck-up and know-it-all, and they think they're better than everyone else, think they're the smartest, even though it's not really about the subject matter, but rather about the ability to learn. Others just have it harder in that regard, but it has nothing to do with intelligence.

So my question is: Are the two Abitur equivalent?

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6 months ago

If the general school offers a general education, it is of course equivalent to a general education at a high school.

By the way, not only in terms of completion, but also in terms of teaching in the last two years as well as examinations. Even at a school as a whole, only those pupils who want to do abitur come to the 11th grade.

A case knitting would be the question whether the overall school offers a general education or a specialist abitur or just a specialist school tire. That would be not equivalent and too little for medical studies.

6 months ago
Reply to  RedPanther

A case knitting would be the question whether the overall school offers a general education or a specialist abitur or just a specialist school tire. That would not be equivalent and too little for medical studies.

Aren’t you confusing a subject with subject-bound university maturity? The term “specialist abitur” is more of a kind of language, but usually already means professional schooling.

6 months ago
Reply to  Vitanex

Aren’t you confusing a subject with subject-bound university maturity?

Well, when I first speak of one and then of the other, it should be quite obvious that I distinguish between them;)

6 months ago
Reply to  Vitanex

He wrote it right…. and-fachabi

Fachabi is awarded both with the FH maturity and with the specialist. Higher education is often called so.

6 months ago
Reply to  RedPanther

As far as I know, at least in NRW, you can always do the normal Abi!

6 months ago

That’s why the link.

With us, the subject is more professional. I mean university maturity.

6 months ago

The term is very fuzzy. Where I’m from, you’re called the professional school.

6 months ago

Too little info. But what you can say:

  • You can’t do a G8-Abi. But the G9-Abi is equivalent to studying. But you can formally repeat the 10th cl. on a G8-Gymnasium/-total school, which means G9-Abi under the heading and, as I said, is not bad, except that you may 1 year older than the classmates have remained (plus seats etc.).
  • In particular, if you have a school degree in real school level, you need to meet certain minimum requirements to be able to go to the upper level, whether (skilled) high school or general school. And in any case, comply with the application deadline, which is many months before. The best way to inform you about (vocational) gymnasiums or schools in your area on the website.
  • Students of all levels, from primary school to secondary school, are still at the school. Honestly, I was glad that my mobber from primary school had to go to primary school, where I changed to real school… In vocational schools there are fewer mobbers again because the pupils there are not in the 5th. Kl. are dragged from parents to Abi and leave their frustration to others…


6 months ago

Are G8-Abi and G9-Abi basic courses?

Reche 4 years primary school to these numbers, vllt. you notice… No, nix has to do with GK vs. LK.

what minimum requirements should I meet?

How can I know if you don’t even mention your federal state?! Find that three of you, that you are obviously too lazy to look even under such boundary conditions. Without independent research, you can completely forget about challenging things like a medical study!


6 months ago

That’s bound to slander what you write! I wrote you nicely:

[…] Minimum requirements are met […] Best to inform you about (vocational) gymnasiums or general schools in your area on the website.

And you asked three times because you obviously ignored my o.g. clue:

what minimum requirements should I meet?

Touch your own nose! I guess you’re hot in div. Killfiles to land 🙁


6 months ago

Yeah, Abi’s Abi, no matter where you are.

Btw….a abi on a gym is already different to evaluate☺️. The requirements of Class 5 are different.

6 months ago

It’s completely indifferent where you do the Abitur. The degrees are all equally worth as there are central exams.

6 months ago

Yes Abitur is Abitur.

Then there would still be the professional school age and the professional university maturity, so to speak there are restrictions.