Gutscheine in Cash umwandeln wie?

Ich habe 2 x 25€ MediaMarkt Gutscheine, allerdings brauche ich nichts von MediaMarkt bzw. das was ich mir kaufen wollen würde funktioniert nicht mit den Gutscheinen da nicht alle Produkte Gutscheine unterstützen.

Bei MediaMarkt könnte ich wiederum einen Google Play, Apple oder Nintendo Gutschein kaufen.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese in Cash umzuwandeln?

Ich habe schon etwas recherchiert aber noch nichts gefunden was funktioniert.

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8 months ago

If it is nameless, valid vouchers, you can try to sell them via a sales platform. Otherwise not.

8 months ago

Of course, a voucher cannot be converted into money.

It’s a commodity voucher

8 months ago
Reply to  hwalter00

I don’t know who that stupid would be to buy these vouchers, but if you weren’t

8 months ago

Easy to use

On the one hand, no one knows if he buys real vouchers at Ebay…

On the other hand, he can easily go directly to the media market with his money

Then he has many advantages.

He can buy without vouchers what he wants and for any price.

With coupon he would be limited

First to exchange his money in questionable vouchers would be reckless and meaningless

Every ordinary person would either pay normally or buy gift vouchers only directly at Mediamarkt

8 months ago


8 months ago
Reply to  hwalter00

You’re asking if you can. The answer is no.

8 months ago

At MediaMarkt, I could buy a Google Play, Apple or Nintendo coupon.

The right answer is no!

Because the answer is just wrong.

Isn’t the answer!

Also, the MediaMarkt gift card cannot be used for credit cards (for example for iTunes, Sony, or Google Play).

You have to stick to the AGBs

What’s wrong with you? What reality do you mean?

I mean the legal way and real shopping at MediaMarkt and the real AGBS

Isn’t that a reality?

If something really should be wrong, then show the place in the GTCs that allow this

Just make the answers sooo down and your “yet” because the answer is just wrong. or

“I know a response. There is not THE answer. I want better alternatives.”

I don’t think it’s gonna help.

If you read the AGBs, there are neither several options nor one way you believe that there is just


These are the rules of the game now

MediaMarkt won’t make an exception for you.

What’s wrong with you?

That’s what I thought about your answers

So look into the mirror

Then to the AGBS

Otherwise your uprising is unnecessary due to the voucher

  1. Is there a lot that you could buy for your 25€ vouchers
  2. Could you return the voucher to the one who gave you the voucher if you don’t mean to start it?
8 months ago

I noticed.

8 months ago

He only accepts his own opinion

He doesn’t want to know about reality

8 months ago

And your question is unnecessary if you already know the answer.