Gutes Multivitaminpulver?
Kennt jemand von ein gutes Multivitaminpulver das die essenzielen Mineralien in einer guten Dosierung enthält? Kann keine Tabletten schlucken und brauche es zur Kräftigung meines Immunsystems.
Kennt jemand von ein gutes Multivitaminpulver das die essenzielen Mineralien in einer guten Dosierung enthält? Kann keine Tabletten schlucken und brauche es zur Kräftigung meines Immunsystems.
Welche Sorte ist euer Favorit?
Ich muss Kugel stoßen machen wie weit Schafe ich es mit einer 4 kg für Qwali
Hallo Leute, ich lebe seit zwei Jahren vegetarisch und habe dementsprechend kein Fleisch und keinen Fisch gegessen. Leider ist meine Ernährung schlechter geworden und ich habe Mangelerscheinungen. Ich möchte deshalb einmal Ente vom Asiaten essen und habe Angst davor, dass mein Körper damit nicht mehr klar kommt und ich vielleicht eine Art Vergiftung oder was…
Folgende Situation hat sich neulich abgespielt. Mein Freund und ich waren essen und da im Restaurant eine Veranstaltung war, haben wir 2h auf unser Essen warten müssen. Wir wurden im vornherein nicht darauf hingewiesen, dass es sehr lange dauert und da die Veranstaltung in einem Hinterraum war, hat man das auf den ersten Blick auch…
Es gibt ja Labore wo künstlich Fleisch hergestellt werden kann, ganz ohne Tiere. Könntet ihr euch vorstellen in Zukunft nur noch solches Fleisch aus dem Labor zu essen? 🙂
Forget multivitamin preparations. Apart from the fact that one cannot vote in a serious way because every person is different, one does not even have the trouble of compiling them appropriately. Often, the particularly important vitamin D3 is present only in homeopathic dose, vitamin C is quite high but not buffered (so that you spin it out again), vitamin B12 in absurdly high doses, hardly any other B vitamins (in disproportion is extremely poor, as the B vitamins cooperate, but also compete with an imbalance), other things are missing completely and again others that are not in it.
The only powders (for stirring in water) which have a sensible composition only in batches (but also more from the category “luxury version of scrap) are Enavie Life and Athletic Greens, but I find them both unharmed expensive. If drops you drip in your mouth with a pipette are okay, for many individual preparations maybe plantrition would be a manufacturer that would make sense for you.
Better single preparations.
Vitamin D3 with K2 is available, for example, as a drop, which you drink under your tongue and keeps something in your mouth until it is absorbed by the oral mucosa. DGE recommendation ( binding in Germany) 800-1000 IE (International Units) per day, no matter how old, big or heavy you are. So the dose recommended in Germany as a precaution for infants. Internationally you say 20-80IE per kg body weight per day (e.g. if you are much in the sun, with short clothes, and the sun is high, so your shade is shorter than you are tall, you don’t need any, on days where you get some sun more 20 or 40, and in winter the full 80 per kg body weight). You want me to tell you something? I’m totally international.
At Vitamin C you should start eating more fruit. Otherwise there are showers or candies. Just make sure that you don’t feed the candies like Haribo when it’s C-zinc (zinc is important, but too much reacts with the iron in the blood – zinc recommended daily dose is super and important, but dangerous for absurd overdose)
For B-vitamins I know well compiled only capsules. You should have balanced all B vitamins in here. With pure B12 or B12-B6 preparations, you shoot other B vitamins like B9 (folic acid). While I recommend and support balanced B-complexes, I think that pure B12 bombs like Vitasprint are even dangerous in the long term.
Omega 3 is not found in multivitamin complexes. Here it is so that, although in absolute values, we take enough omega 3 over the food (even that is already difficult, in breeding salmon is almost none in it, only in wild salmon – heavy metals free house), Omega 3 to omega 6 must be in the 1:1 ratio as far as possible. If Omega 6 weighs strongly (possibly with almost everyone), this is beneficial for chronic inflammation, possibly also those that you do not feel directly, but can lead permanently to cell tart and thus cancer.
Thank you for the detailed answer 🙂
There are many preparations now also as chewing tablets or in the form of rubber bears. Some like vitamin D are also available as drops.