Gutes Mottorad für A2?


und zwar bin ich erst 16 will aber in 1,5 Jahren A2 machen.

heute bin ich die Honda NX 500 von 1998 gefahren von meinen Onkel. Das ding war so gut zu fahren, hatte auch viel Kraft. Deswegen wollte ich mir auch so ne Honda zulegen wen ich meinen A2 habe. Aber ist es ein gutes Anfängermottorad für A2?

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2 years ago

The NX500 is a so-called dual sports that is a “extinct” type of motorcycles. These are designed primarily to function well on-road but also to be used in normal road traffic. Drive somewhere and then take off-road trips a week.

Well, what should I say is beginners-friendly is the machine only if you are going to drive offroad… which is hardly legal in DE if you don’t want to go to an offroad park.

2 years ago
Reply to  Danilel16

Honestly… if there are off-road parks where you can drive with 16 then buy the machine, get someone to drive you up and have fun driving off-road.

2 years ago

Why? Buying is also so legal Only driving in the Official Transport Area

2 years ago

I don’t care where you drove. I’m just saying it’s probably a nice hobby.

In addition, you have 1 1/2 years in which you can change a lot if you already have the opportunity to buy yourself a machine and go on locked terrain off-road driving;D