Gutes Hühner- und Kükenfutter?
Heyy 🙂
Wir wollen uns seit langem Hühner holen(wir hatten früher schon mal welche) und würden von einer Freundin welche bekommen. Eien Hahn, ein paar Hennen und eine Glucke mit Küken. Wir wollen unsere Hühner im Sommer vor allem mit Grünzeug, Komposthaufen und Küchenabfällen ernähren.
Aber im Winter und für die Küken bräuchten wir gekauftes Futter.
Könnt ihr welches empfehlen? Am besten Bio und nicht nur aus Getreide.
Danke schonmal, für alle netten Antworten 🙂
Also in summer you need mixed grain as basic food.
In addition, my chickens have everything in the garden coming to the chicken farm. But I have a natural garden, so hardly bought plants. So I’ll get them what they’d find in the garden if they were free. If I’m so freaking over to them, they’re thrilled and jumping in the middle. Then it is peeled, picked and fed. The rest composted. All vegetable wastes get them, partly boiled, of course also. In spring they look forward to the first grass I cut them off. Giersch also likes to eat them, but rather if it is coarsely chopped.
If you get a hen with chicks, I’d leave it with the cock first. If there’s a cock among the chicks, there’s a lot of trouble in a few years. Unfortunately, I had to see how two cocks fought bloody. Both of them had blood flowed, looked bad. I broke them, one of them ran around in the garden, the other one was with the chickens. The following day was changed. That’s what I’ve done until the one who was in the garden flew over the fence to the chicken yard and subordinated to the other. He was then tolerated, but he was not allowed to approach the chickens in “unfair intention”.
Thank you
The chicks are not a problem; we have already agreed and regulated this.
But do you have a grain food? That was the real question 🙂
The actual question, yes I know, but I don’t buy a bio-feeder, just a grain-free mix. I used to call them, and they said it was organic, but they probably don’t have a certificate. I almost always buy here.
I also just bought three chicks and did not buy a “cook starter” this time, but the normal grain feed with a double weighing knife. It’s gonna be fine. Remains of cat food exterminate those already. They are happy about caught flies and about blackberries also 😂.
Süsse Story 😉 terrific.
Thank you. I spend some time every day watching them. They already show typical chicken behavior. Take anything, get away with it, and the others, even though they had the same thing ahead. And they’re trying to ride third on a gluck. They’re already fighting badge. They’re making air jumps and fluttering, and if I don’t care, they’re coming out of the enclosure. To do this they flutter up, hook up with the beak on the edge of the walks, seek and find with their feet, and then they are up by wings. Who taught them that? Of course, they didn’t see it at the big ones. Did Mutti tell them what to do with the beak?
I’m glad to have chicks again this year.
Mine did that too. fluttered with the wings and the meshes of the wire mesh went up and then head and beak took to help.
Have you thought about where you want to put the chickens in autumn/winter? Do you have a stable in which the animals can be accommodated protected from cold and rain as well as from martens and other robbers?
In addition, even in summer, it is not art-friendly to feed the chickens only with green and kitchen waste. Chickens need grain food all year round (can also be mixed with wheat, oats, barley and corn) and if they are to lay eggs also lege flour.
In the first weeks, the chicks receive cow grain feed (the grains are cut to size) and chicken growing flour. This can be mixed with some water or milk until a kind of “flower” is formed. They also love small-cut nettles (e.g. scattered over the chicken flour). In addition, this is very healthy for the little beetroots. 🐤🐤
We are building a thriving, weatherproof stable in our garden 🙂
Thank you for the information 🙂 do you know if chickens are allowed to eat rye glue?
Lt. Google is used rye glue as a feed for dairy cows, breeding cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. Chickens are not mentioned.
What country region?
There are some biomills here. Chicken fodder consists only of cereals and that’s right. Meat must not be fed. I feed it as a Crambel plus whole grains.
I live in Mecklenburg:)