Gutes gewicht mit 13?

Hallo ich komme aus einer essstörung.

Bin in der recovery…

Irgendwie Zweifel ich gerade an mir weil ich so viel süßes esse..(schon 1 und halbes jahr in recovery)

Ich bin halt in 2 Tagen 14 Jahre alt und bin 167 cm groß.

Wiege so 46-47 kg …

Wie viel sollte man so wiegen ?

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2 years ago

Your body mass index is 16.9 kg/m2.

Weight corresponds to the WHO category


The normal weight of a child at that age

between 48.5 kg and 65 kg.

The ideal weight is 54.7 kg.

You should take more calories.

2 years ago

Ideal would be 60 kg as a girl and 64/65 as a boy. Normal everything up to 66-67

2 years ago

you should weigh about 55 kg.

2 years ago

<80 kg

Your weight is great, read it to taste!

With 15 your body gets calorie cravings/heiss it burns then noticeably more as you grow up.