Guter Zeitpunkt um Filme gucken?
Ich würde gerne mal ins Filme- und Seriengame reingehen, allerdings weiß ich nicht wann ein guter Zeitpunkt ist sowas anzugucken? Unter der Woche geht mal gar nicht weil mir da die Zeit fehlt und ich da nicht entspannt sein kann. Wochenenden nutze ich meist um den ganzen Tag zu zocken, was mir unter der Woche ja nicht erlaubt ist…
Okay, you have little time! I would therefore rather suggest looking in a series. So ne Episode has approx. 45 minutes running time – this does not take as much time as a whole film ;-). (Comedy series are even shorter with 22 minutes!)
As an idea, look at a few first episodes of well-known hit series and if it grabs you, I can imagine that you’re on the WE times an hour or two less shocking and you’re taking in two episodes of “Deiner” series.
Here are some ideas:
I already have some ideas about what I can watch, primarily film classics. I think that’s something special, so you know? But should also be a kind of routine!
Then don’t do it if you prioritize other things.
Either you take the time or don’t stop.
So Bock would have been more often but I can do something else instead or youtube look like this… It should be a special feature but still routine inside! That’s why I asked the question. ^^
You’re talking to yourself all the time. Just prioritize the other things differently or leave it. You don’t need help from other people.
Well, we can give you a helpful answer, as it is a question you can only answer yourself. In your question, it was first that you don’t have time as you prioritize other things. We don’t know how your working hours are, nor what else you do, except that you prefer to sit on the weekend and under the week, for whatever reason, there’s no time for it……you can’t wait for us to help you somehow great, unless you just shape your question completely different.
I stabbed the question before I went to work today. Of course I also think about myself. What it looks like was a good idea, because here wasn’t really someone who helped me and some didn’t even try…
Why are you asking a question here if you can answer it yourself?
I’m not looking at any movies, it’s a waste of time for me.
You’re not going to the movies every week, are you? I’m just looking for a suitable day where I can watch movie! I’ve been thinking about the first Saturday a month. I work up to 4 and have less time for “Great” but enough time for a movie or some episodes of a series~
what exactly do you mean “film and series games”? do you mean just watching movies and series? look for a series, look every night 1-2 follow. best series that are already completed, then can search and don’t have to wait a year.
If you don’t have time for yourself, no one can help you. We can’t make your day longer either.
Just look at something, yeah. I think that’s something special and don’t just want to watch every day, because I can do that with Youtube. But it’s supposed to come in a certain routine that I don’t just watch every few months, you know?
I don’t understand.
youtube guggen is other than n film or ne serie guggen. the one are in the regular iwelche, partly senseless videos on a platform of private people. the other are for much money-implemented films.
I mean filming shouldn’t be discussed now. most films last 2h – and the story is eaten after. if you can’t put the time, you just had a bad luck. when others are more important to you (youtube look).
and with a good series that keeps you at the bar. then you want to keep looking and look forward to the next.
you can make yourself hard…
But I have already thought that the first Saturday in the month is quite suitable. I always work up to 4 and have less time for what “big” but enough time for a movie or a few episodes of a series~
I want something different from Youtube, that’s what it is. Under the week where I’ll fall asleep when I come home, YT is better than a series I want to follow. That’s why I want a special day.