Guter Verdienst?
Was sind so typische Berufe wo man selbst als Quereinsteiger üblicherweise leicht einen Job bekommt und überdurchschnittlich viel verdient? Überstunden/Schichtdienst/Wochenendarbeit kein Problem…
Spontan fallen mir da diese Ölbohrplattformen ein, aber ich hätte es gerne eine Nummer realistischer und alltagstauglicher – eher so in Richtung Bestattungen, Altenpflege oder sowas.
(Ernste Frage und keine Trollfrage)
Display DHL in my region
These are approx. 2.800 euros gross per month. The wage level varies according to region. These are 1,900 euros net. You just have to have a license.
You call that a good merit? You don’t even get over the rounds anymore.
What do you expect if the condition, only the driver’s license and language skills are? It is clearly above the minimum wage.
1.900€ net is far too little to me, as I am currently clearly over and parcel delivery is also a very bad job – I know 2 people who have made this short-term and immediately stopped again 🙈 Stress is ok if the wage fits, but here the ratio simply does not.
But you will not get much more in old care and have even more modest working hours. When working on a drill bit, you must also take into account the assembly activity. You live on the drilling platform and are rarely home.
But the merit is 37.5 hours a week. You can also work more. It is also possible to look for a regional job without great paths to work.
Why work for little money? Then you can get citizens’ money and do something by the way and in the end you have more than 2k Euro net / month.
Something about sellers, cars, insurance properties and then high price. You don’t need proper training but human knowledge. Here the premiums do not make the basic salary or self-employment