Guter Freund spurlos verschwunden?
Ein Kollege den ich nur online kenne ist spurlos verschwunden, er hat sich vor seinen verschwinden etwas merkwürdig verhalten und jetzt kommen seit über 7 Tagen keine Nachrichten mehr an und das ist halt total unüblich für ihn.
Was soll ich jetzt machen? Bzw soll ich generell etwas machen? Auf jeden Fall mache ich mir so langsam Sorgen um ihn
If you know him personally and know where he lives, just go by.
Maybe you have common acquaintances, you can ask if they know anything about him.
If you have its full name and approximate residence, you can also go to the police with your concerns.
I just have his Facebook and his phone number nothing else
Call him.
Can you see his friends list on Facebook? If so, ask a few people.
Then wait. You can’t do more anyway. Otherwise, you have to accept that he’s gone.
Only Facebook and WhatsApp and I have written on his wall publicly and asked where he is absent and whether someone knows but no one reports
I guess you’ve already spoken to him (several)? If so, call again and offer him help if he needs it.
All right. I guess he’s gone now.
A week now
How long has he been gone?
Go to the mailbox
Ask your superiors.
Maybe he left the company or is on vacation and wants to have a rest from the job.