Good holiday job with good salary?
I could imagine working in a shop or packing something in a company or something like that. Nothing to do with computers or mental arithmetic. 😂 Thanks in advance.
I could imagine working in a shop or packing something in a company or something like that. Nothing to do with computers or mental arithmetic. 😂 Thanks in advance.
If I earn €1,250-€1,450 net per month as a delivery driver (Lieferando), 74% of the total population (Germany) is still richer than me. Because only at €1,900 net are you richer than the 50%… What kind of training can I pursue to earn more? What options are there, and how much will I earn then?…
On September 2, 2024? So, sales tax return and income tax return for 2023?
Hello everyone I currently have a job that I don't enjoy, but I want to keep it for at least a year, as people around me have advised me to keep it for at least a year. I wanted to know when I should start looking for a new job. Should I start now, or…
Hello everyone. I work in a school cafeteria, 3 days a week, 3 hours a day. I only get paid during the school holidays, of course. How is my salary paid during the 6 weeks of vacation, for example? My contract gives me 16 days of vacation. That's not enough for the school holidays. Will…
!!I have to save 50 euros for an iPhone XS or I won't get it!! So, I had saved 10 euros, but my dad took my tenner. So now I need money again. But I have NOBODY, really NOBODY, to ask for money from. There's also no walking the dog, delivering newspapers, etc. Because I…
I made such a big mistake and would like to explain it. I would be very happy if you could help me correct this or improve some sentences. ___________ Dear … I recently applied to you for the position of media designer digital and print Unfortunately, I had to cancel the interview because I had…
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Das sind Aushilfstätigkeiten und die werden mit Mindestlohn bezahlt.
Am sinnvollsten ist noch ein Job in der Gastro und auf Trinkgelder hoffen. Aber dafür muss man auch mit zahlen umgehen können…
Am Band bei Mercedess oder Bosch oder so verdient man eben am meisten, ansonsten habe ich mal im Service Bereich als Aushilfe gearbeitet, aber nur MIndestlohn bekommen. Ich habe auch mal Campingplatz Animation gemacht. Mega witzig aber mies bezahlt…
Kellnern. Bekommst mit guter Leistung mehr Trinkgeld als Festgehalt und das noch steuerfrei.