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This is a rupture, means 112 calls.
What does it say to the burglary, and that does not hurt it is also in the area of the basin
Barber break means a break in the bar. Is an indentation break in the area of the bar channel.
This must be treated, otherwise threatens, grave at this size life danger.
So 112.
Because the contents of the intestine slide back and forth with gravity.
Again. Emergency.
But I think rupture is what the bump has to do with it
Maybe a lipom. I’d go to the dermatologist once.
Yes or a family doctor I’m going with it for the first time it’s small and now so big
Looks like a rupture.
Once we have said this also looks like a lipom also want to drive like a university clinic but is a lipom than dangerous
Normally from a connective tissue weakness and heavy lifting
What do you get?
It is also so thick and it is also very heavy
I don’t know what it is, but it justifies calling the 112 and letting the ambulance come.
No, it doesn’t
He’s been doing this for over 25 years
Could be a rupture. If you have an urgent medical examination
Where does it come from?
Go to the doctor
Looks like a break.
Go to the doctor!
This must be operated
It was small and now so big it does not hurt
Well, from now on, it won’t be grown.
Why don’t you react faster?
Go to the family doctor who knows better than school children and lay people
Yes we go tomorrow to a family doctor to look at this then the older people always want to never go
I am also a “older” person and I would have been with the doctor for a long time
I am not a kind many say it can be a lipom said at the time the skin doctor
Are you a doctor?
I don’t think…
Yes, if you can say it like that you have been saying that for a long time, but that looks like fat tissue
Go to the doctor or emergency room OMG
This does not hurt either my father and had already had two strokes
Oh my God please go to the doctor that looks really not normal
Yes tomorrow we go
I have no idea what this is but it looks bad