Guten Tag, ich esse normal Rinderburger. Ist Kalbsburger gut?
Lohnt es sich, schmeckt es besser?
Lohnt es sich, schmeckt es besser?
Frage steht oben .. plus extra Frage: Mc Donald’s, Burger King oder KFC Kleiner Femboy wünscht euch nen schönen Abend~
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Kalb is still a little tenderer and finer.
But with the burger, who is often fed enough with other stuff, this should not fall into weight.
In a GUTEN Burger, on the other hand, one might notice something – if one is a “skilled”
Kalb is more expensive and if necessary the meat is more delicate. But if the burger is well done with cow, you hardly taste a difference.
Don’t pay.
The taste comes from spices anyway. Pure meat wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Honest answer?
I didn’t notice any difference, and I finally stayed with “Girls Burger”.
What’s the meat, Filet?
I always get ready roasted turkey carvings from the REWE market and then make the burger myself, but from “normal” rye breads as I get the sweet finished white bread things no longer good contracts
Calves are young cattle, so the difference is not that big.
Kalb is tenderer, but not everyone’s thing is the slightly different taste.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Burgers that are not made from animals and not even from animal babies taste best, believe me
Galigrü 🥰
I don’t mind a vegan burger. But if I just want a meatburger, there’s no vegetable burger.