Good vodka mixes?

What can you mix with vodka to minimize the hangover and consume the fewest calories?

I've heard that pure alcohol (like vodka) is the least likely to cause a hangover. So I'm wondering if this effect is affected by mixing it with certain juices or drinks.

My idea now would be Vodka O or Coke Zero

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10 months ago

Wodka can be used very versatile, with the most calorie-poor and “sounding” probably as “Bloody Mary” with thick, tasty tomato juice and season with some lemon juice, Tabasco, Worcester sauce, salt and pepper. As a “touchdown” with apricot brandy, lemon juice, grenadine and maracuja juice together with ice shaken and all in a cocktail glass give a quite refreshing Tropic cocktail. Of course also as a long drink with orange juice or cola. But also with strawberry juice, strawberry syrup, lemon juice and crushed ice as “Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri” is the delicious. In general, all rum cocktails can also be mixed with vodka and liqueur. Alcohol generally does not deviate because it delays all take-off processes.

10 months ago

Do you know what pure alcohol is?

He’s not supposed to drink.

Vodka has, for example, 40% vol. alc.

10 months ago

do not mix, drink it as it is, well cooled!

10 months ago

Wodka is not a pure alcohol, please inform if alcohol is allowed at your age

10 months ago
Reply to  HANK19

I’m sorry, I meant a pure alcohol caused less cats.

I am 17 and drink vodka, I know he is only from 18 but my God is one year