gute vegane alternativen?
Ich bin jetzt vegan geworden und wollte fragen an die leute die schon länger vegan sind, was es alles für alternativen gibt?
Sind alle getränke vegan?
wie lernt man schnell zu erkennen was vegan ist und was nicht?
gibt mir gerne alle tipps die ihr habt, ich freue mich auf eure Antworten!:)
No. Many wines and juices are clarified with gelatin. Even milk (if you define milk as a drink) from the cow, from the sheep, from the point, etc. is not vegan. Some dyes are also of animal origin.
Met and other drinks that contain honey are also not vegan.
Not even all mineral water are vegan, because some mineral water labels have been glued to glue that is not vegan.
Haferdrink is also not vegan, as for its production more animals die than for milk from a cow that turns all year round on the pasture. And a vegan either refuses to do this or practises speciesism (= “field animals are less value than farm animals”), whereas vegans actually refuse.
It looks similar with almond milk, because most almonds come from huge monocultures. To pollinate the almond trees, billions of bees are distributed every year on the plantations. They are exposed to constant transportation, stress, high occupation densities and a monotonous, pesticide-stressed environment. This industrial beekeeping is considered to be a co-polluter for bee mortality as it weakens the immune system of the animals and makes them more susceptible to viruses and parasites.
This certainly does not make almonds and almond milk a vegan food.
at the beginning you must actually read JEDE ingredients list of products. often there are ice or milk powder in there, even if you do not suspect it (except it is a vegan label on it)
also not every drink odee brot is vegan.
try to nourish fresh products and bend around the meat alternative products. you should only enjoy it in scale.
Other products are vegan, of which you do not necessarily suspect, e.g. oreos, manner waffeln, or leafy from the super market.
of course you also have to pay attention to the nutrients and supplements.
I don’t feed me vegan, but I’m lactose-intolerant, so I know myself a bit. At least about milk and co.
Without reading ingredients lists, you don’t get out in the beginning. At some point, you know about what’s vegan and what’s not, until then you have to look closely. There is not only milk, but also cream, sweet milk powder, milk protein, etc.
Sometimes there is also “Can traces of” included. For most vegans this is not a problem because it usually only means that the product was produced with the same device as an animal product.
Most of the baking mixes you can’t use anymore because there is almost always milk(powder) in it. There are special baking mixes, pastries for baking, chocolate or similar, which is vegan. It’s usually big on it. Lindt and Ritter Sport have for example vegan chocolate and Bauck Hof has vegan baking blends. You have to look for all this. It’s not everywhere.
Beverages like juices are usually vegan (but not always, so read ingredients again, sometimes lactose is in it – why always).
Water is always vegan.
Milk is of course not vegan. But there are replacement products. “milk” from soya, oats or almonds. I tried the three and I didn’t taste them (where everything works well for baking), but you have to try it yourself. This milk substitute is available in almost every supermarket/discounter, according to my experience.
Meat substitute products are still available to replace meat. For example, in the form of friables. There’s soya in there.
Vegan cheese and vegan sausage are also bread spreads or cracklings. Watch chips, sticks, spiced nuts, pulps, salt bars, etc. Also in ready meals or spice mixtures.
The dm has more vegan products. Rossmann, too, I think, but I’m not so often there.
The least products are vegan. You need to avoid organic fertilizers because there is animal fertilizer used during cultivation.
Plants used for the pesticides are not vegan because animal experiments are carried out for this purpose.
Electronics is also not vegan because it is used in the production of high purity copper bone glue.
Juices and wine are not always vegan.But the vegan products can be seen on the “Vegan drawing” on the bottle.
For the start, I can recommend the Codecheck app. You can scan the barcode and then see if the product is vegan or not.
Good project – respect!
Go to the side first
Take your time and don’t overwhelm you – you don’t help anyone!
I wish you all the best, much knowledge – and courage to go this way:
He is definitely worth it – and you are not alone!
Beer we wine are often not vegan.
Neither are any beverages containing milk or cream.
There are some Bacon soda with real Bacon, also not vegan.
Most products that are vegan are also characterized. I even saw it on water bottles.
The best way to keep you away from the meat, sausage, cheese and dairy department.
Ingredients lists reveal the secrets