Good, reputable casting websites?
I (14) would like to apply for a job as an actress/model somewhere. I came across sites like Starboxx or Fame on me. However, I'm not sure if they're reputable. Do you have any experience with them or know anything about them? And do you know any other good sites? For Austria, in the Graz area? (If possible, free sites or sites with reasonable prices.)
and why should you book? So perfect without experience or references?
That’s exactly the crunch point: With reputable agencies, you will only be mediated if you can demonstrate experiences.
This is why casting and Jobs usually communicate mainly to good agencies where you should be contracted. But they only take someone with experience with actors or someone with potential, and then of course you have to learn to model before you are taught to customers.
Before you can participate in acting castings, you usually have to gather for example at school or in a local theater group or similar experiences and should have corresponding videos of how you can apply, or of course you will visit a Drama school, first you learn to play, second you get contacts and references, and thirdly, that makes a good impression with agencies.
You can’t work as an actor or model without any experience… At best, you can take part in any cheap Hartz-4 shows as a “Leiendarsteller” or put yourself in some talk show or similar, nothing that would have to do with real acting or in any way will be well paid.
You’re 14. That’s all I’m saying. Who are you supposed to be important that anyone would accept you?