Good earplugs for music?

Which do you use?

It would be important to me that they…

1. Reduce the volume (drum playing and festivals would be the area of ​​application)

2. Try not to sound so dull

3. Can be easily removed (I've had some that slipped into my ear and were almost impossible to get out again, but since I don't want to wear the earplugs completely sober, it would be good if they could be removed without much fiddling)

Thanks for your answers

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9 months ago

I have such “tannen-like” earplugs, but I don’t like the feeling very much.

Since I have drums on the eDrum I don’t have the volume problem when I sit on the acoustic set I often have inEars that reduce the volume anyway.

At festivals I’m going without a doubt I’m turning something out of paces or going away from the boxes.


9 months ago

So I got earplugs on my first concert at the concert.

I don’t know what that was for, but I think it was Billo things, and they were really good.

9 months ago

The best thing would, of course, be something exactly tailored to your ears, but that’s expensive. I use the Alpine MusicSafe Pro and they damp the volume well. They are certainly better than the simple foam conditioner, but they definitely do not damp evenly. At the price, many frequencies seem to be lost at all brands.

9 months ago

I have the headphones of Teufel Real blue TWS2 and I am totally excited about it. (purchase price 99 €)

9 months ago

If you want to use the professional, you can make it for a few hundred euros.

Otherwise, you need to find which earplugs fit you, the fit differs in prefabricated models.
Or you’re taking a capsule hearing protection.

9 months ago
Reply to  LindseyX857

Have tested them a couple times. I think it’s good and on reviews you don’t always have to hear everyone has a different opinion.