Good non-slip cat bowls?

My cat is now 1 year old. I'm considering getting her a new bowl because she's constantly taking food out of it and playing with it. I don't like that kind of behavior at all, so I'm asking you to find me a bowl that's absolutely secure and easy to grip for playing.

Thank you in advance

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11 months ago

It is sufficient if you set the bowl on a non-slip substrate.. that can be a damp wash cloth or even an antitrust mat

11 months ago

Hello MrAnonymUser,

the new bowl will not change the situation as the cat will continue to pick it out of the bowl and possibly continue to play with it.

If the cat had to live (must) without an artisan, then it would be an extremely probate solution to get such a solution, as it would no longer have such a boredom.

Laying mats are more sensible here. Or to move the location of the feed site, as cats always carry their food to a quiet place when the existing one is too restless.

Conclusion:The bowl will not change the behavior, whether you like it or not.

Best regards from DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺

11 months ago

I’ve got a rubber pad like that. I don’t use pots, of course, mine eats of a silver platter. ;
