Gute Namen für Fantasybuch?

Frage steht oben.

Es können sowohl weibliche als auch männliche Namen sein.

Im Buch geht es um ein Land in dem jeder eines der Elemente kontrollieren kann. Zudem gibt es das verschollene Königreich fantasy und das dunkle Königreich.

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2 years ago

Maybe the kingdom of elements?

or the elements the lost kingdom

2 years ago
Reply to  Lena12102009

Ahso 😂

2 years ago

Men Kalinam

Chewing Borealis

Yed Posterior

Zuben Elschemali

Rigil Kent


2 years ago

Simply give your characters names that mean something, and use a language or composition from languages. For example, you can call the villager Pecun. That would then be a modification of the Latin word pecunia “money”. Then give him the last name Rävar, which is Swedish “Fuchs”, and bumm, money fox.

When it comes to the book name:
Most modern fantasy books use any exotic-mythical name, with nem swollen appendage, e.g.
“Kardia, age of scissors.” But find it imaginary and flat.

You better take something stand-alone, which is quite placative.
From Terry Pratchett, for example, “The Carpet Peoples”. You know what you’re expecting, and you don’t want to talk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lena12102009

It is also possible to evaluate answers.

2 years ago

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx