Gute Katzen-Zeichnen-Tutorials/Apps/Websites?
Ich bin ein großer WaCa fan und würde auch gerne (gute) Fanart zeichnen. Allerdings bin ich was Katzen angeht furchtbar schlecht im zeichnen qwq. Kennt ihr irgendwelche Tutorials (Auf youtube), gute apps, websites oder vielleicht auch pins auf Pinterest. Ich wollte mir auch mal dieses Katzen zeichnen Buch von WaCa holen, lohnt sich das?
Danke für alle Tipps/Empfehlungen /Antworten🫶
Apps for learning drawing cats are not really available.
However, you can get procreate (about 10€, worth it) or maybe Ibis Pain X (free).
Of course you can also watch videos, but there are few who are good.
At first you should know exactly how the body of a cat is built, then you develop your “style”.
I looked on Pinterest tips when painting a cat’s body, even screen-hot!
Here are the pictures:
Most act about the body structure and especially the legs, as these are often mispainted.
You can also pull the bodies longer, make them more petty or change them with the fur.
On Pinterest there are also many WaCa tutorials, so you should also look there again.
The WaCa book is not worth it for everyone.
He is well explained and clearly shows how to paint a correct face, but some come with the technique not well clear and make it according to their own style.
The book has helped me very much with the poses and movements.
Lg and much success!
Wow thanks this is mega helpful🤗