Gute Kamera?


kennt jemand von euch zufällig eine gute Kamera? Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung und will eine nur für die Erinnerungen haben. Es muss nicht die beste Bild- oder Soundqualität haben.

Ich will damit nur paar Fotos schießen können und Videos machen können 🙂

Bis max 150€

Danke für eure Hilfe!!

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1 year ago

What exactly bothers you on your smartphone that a camera should be better?

In the price range you won’t find many cameras that give you better photos. As Krabat has said, cameras do not support you on the level like a smartphone with the automatic. If you only rely on the automatic system, many photos will be underexposed and shaved out. In addition, many cameras in the price range do not really have a usable video mode.

A cell phone is far better suited for such spontaneous recordings and you always have it.

1 year ago


I can only put the Canon Powershot SX220 HS on your heart…

Amazon Link PowerShot Digital Camera Megapixel Image Stabilized/dp/B004MKNBQO

… it makes really good pictures, and the display doesn’t look bad. Moreover, the price of 149 € should be very good for your details.

LG Kinoboy🍿

1 year ago

Take your smartphone, this is much better suited for spontaneous snapping than any cheap compact camera.

A “good camera” does not automatically make better photos and videos. The main difference is that these cameras do exactly what their user determines about the settings. The automatics of dedicated cameras are more of a rudimentary support. For someone who doesn’t know how to make a great photo, this means either a steep learning curve or a significantly worse outcome.

Thanks to the computing power behind it, smartphones are much better at recognizing the motif and performing matching settings independently in order to compensate the “I have absolutely no idea” of the user.

In addition, your smartphone has always been of enormous advantage for the purpose “will have one for the memories”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Krabat693

Very well formulated.

1 year ago

Search for ebay. Sometimes there are very good devices.